December 12, 2010

Bode Miller in training

first snowfall meant it was time to try skiing! dad bought me a cool pair of skis, boots and a sweet helmet - all of which I had been wearing in the house practicing in anticipation of this day. I was mastering the pizza and french fry moves as well as some big air jumps.

I have to say, I'm already an amazing skiier...don't believe me? check out my skills at Mt. Weiland


what happens when Mom lets you wear your buzz lightyear costume in December and she turns her back for five minutes? trouble...

what happens when you put five cousins in one house for two days, give their parents beer and let Uncle Will supervise playtime? (see exhibits at right and don't tell Grandmom what we were doing)

oh, and that last picture...that's just there so you all remember how sweet and cute we can be when we aren't getting into trouble