June 27, 2012

Pre-School Graduation

As of last week, I officially became a pre-school graduate!  We had a ceremony at school where my class sang songs and told all the parents what we wanted to be when we grow up.  As you may suspect, my answer was one-of-a-kind...and awesome.  Most kids in class wanted to be Clones (from Star Wars) or Batman or a policeman, but I wanted to be a Volcano Scientist.  Don't judge - volcanoes are amazing and pretty freaking cool.  Plus, my teachers were very impressed with my choice and Dad was real proud.  Check back for a couple videos soon (technical difficulties tonight, sorry)

Tee-Ball with Team Volcanoes

This year was my first attempt at tee-ball and it was so fun!  The best part is that my team was the Volcanoes.  I was #6 (because the number 5 was already taken). 

Here we were practicing catching grounders

Running to first (despite the fact that there are no "outs" in tee ball)

Team Volcanoes walking in the parade at our last game in the World Series!

Me and Coach Boots cheering on my team mate before I ran to second base

Proud tee-ball player at the end of the season!  See you next year.

April 2, 2012

Busy Week with lots of fun stuff!

We had a super friends reunion last weekend - Jake and I went to visit our old pal Brody in his new house.  He moved right after Christmas so he doesn't go to my school anymore, but we are still tight and love our playdates - espeically when we dress up like super heroes!

I'm learning a lot in school and we work on concepts like imagination & story telling.  Last week the topic was: What if you could fly.  My response = crazy button!

And, it was the last week of gymnastics on Saturday.  We had a special award ceremony where we each got a certificate for doing a great job!  I was very proud of myself as you can see:

March 11, 2012

You haven't missed a thing...I still love batman

Often times kids grow bored of things they were seemingly obsessed with just a month ago.  Well good news, despite the blog hiatus, I still love batman!  I wear the PJs every night, play with my five million batman planes, figures, cars, towers and make all sorts of odd sound effects.  However, I am not solely devoted to Batman - I also like firemen, policemen and pirates.  I still love rockets, the moon and pretty much anything that flies.

I'm taking a gymnastics class with Kate.  It's been really fun so far because I basically run and jump for an hour.  At first I was a little hesitant to jump into the pit, but now I'm running down the trampoline runway and leaping in without fear!

My wicked smarts seems to still shock my parents.  I'm learning math and can figure out addition and subtraction in my head.  Even hard ones like 11-3.  I can count to 100 and I'm starting to be able to write and read words (besides my name).  We've also been learning about patterns at school and I can recognize them all by myself.  Oh and I want to be a volcano scientist when I grow up.

I guess it's good that I'm learning stuff because Mom just picked up the registration packet for kindergarten...