September 27, 2010

Officially a Pre-Schooler

Last week marked my first official day of pre-school. I got moved up to Ms. Holly's class at school and I have a lot of new things to learn! We do group time every day, we have show & share on Fridays and I was one of the first kids to be able to take home the share a book backpack! Each kid gets a turn to take home the backpack and read a story from school, write about it or draw a picture and take it back to school and tell our friends about it. I was really excited to have the backpack and I wore it around the house all night. The book we had was "The Little Red Hen" - I thought it was mean that the Hen didn't share the cake with the cat, dog & mouse. I guess I missed the sub-plot about treating other people the way you want to be treated...

We are on week three of soccer practice and I'm now paying attention about 40-50% of the time, which is a big improvement over the 5% in week one. This week we had a man coach and he yelled really loud which I liked, plus we got to kick the ball and then jump on top of it so nobody else would take it. Maybe by week six I will actually learn something about soccer (if I can manage to listen better).

September 12, 2010


I had my first soccer practice today with my friends Jacob & Brody. To say it was chaos is an understatement...there were probably 30 kids, with 30 balls running around the field surrounded by hoards of parents and cameras.

I was not real interested in paying attention to the coach and basically did my own thing most of the time which involved running, kicking the ball, laying down and asking for snacks...maybe next week I'll actually listen and follow instructions.