December 12, 2011

Cliff Notes on the last three months...

Clearly, I've been a very busy man as my blog has gone quiet the past couple months.  I wish I had a wonderful excuse, but I don't - nevertheless, I'm back and here's a quick look at what I did this fall.

After my birthday and cousins weekend, I discovered that I love Batman (thanks to my friend Jake).  He had a Batman birthday party and his Mom made some cool capes for us.  Then, I was Batman for Halloween and I even convinced Kate to be Batgirl!  Fast forward to December, and I still wear my costume on a weekly basis...

I played soccer this fall and did much better than last year.  I actually paid attention (mostly).  Practice was the time I really shined - I kicked the ball, ran fast and scored goals.  Come game time, I would rather follow the crowd than actually get in there and kick the ball, but at the end of the season I started to get into the action a bit more.  The best part was getting a snack (and juice box) after every game and my awesome trophy from Coach Bill at the end of the season!

Over Labor Day we went to Chicago to visit my cousins Ada and Elise.  We had so much fun at their house, the zoo, the arboretum and the aquarium!

On the way back home, we stopped at the Mowry Apple Orchard to pick our own apples.  I picked a lot of apples and we even got to eat some when we were out there!

After that, it was back to school time.  I started Kinder Connection this year and my teacher is Miss Beckie.  I'm learning a lot - I can write my name and I'm learning to read.  I can count and I'm learning math (addition and subtraction).  At home, Dad and I do lots of experiments (I like freezing and thawing as well as how oil and water separate).

So, now you are all caught up.  I'll be posting more regularly now, so check back for more updates.  My next post will include some of my school projects, our family pictures and my visit to Santa!

August 4, 2011

Cousins Weekend 2011

It was another fun party at Grandmom & Granddad's house for the annual cousin fest!  It was a madhouse of kids playing, swimming and eating.  I was in the pool essentially from the minute I was allowed (post breakfast) until I was pulled out for dinner each night.  This year I am totally independent in the water as long as I have my life jacket on.  I loved just floating and kicking around all day.  All the big kids got to go to Lowes and build our own binoculars too - Dad helped me with mine and they are awesome!

I'm FOUR!!

 The best day of the year just birthday!  On my actual birthday, Mom and I had a special day together.  We went out to breakfast and then went to see the Cars 2 movie.  I lasted about 2/3 of the way through the movie before I wanted to leave (which was longer than I lasted the first time Dad took me to the big movie theater)!  Then we took cupcakes to school to share with all my friends.

Then, only two days later, we got to celebrate again!  This year, the party theme was Dinosaur Train - we had special invitations, a green dinosaur cake, a big dinosaur bounce house and an orange dinosaur pinata!  I had so much fun playing with my friends and I got some really cool presents!

July 11, 2011

Preschool Skills

I've learned a lot this year in preschool. My drawing and writing skills are pretty amazing (if I do say so myself). I've mastered my name now, but the letter K was the hardest one for me to learn. I love to draw rockets and I'm perfecting my people depictions. Today, we had to draw a picture of our favorite trip, so I drew Granddad's beach house that we visited last weekend. Pretty impressive, right?!

*Parental note:  Grandmom did not get a motorcycle, but Granddad got a Vespa

June 5, 2011

Dinosaur Train & Band Aids

My two favorite things right now are Dinosaur Train (TV show on PBS) and band-aids.

Lately, I've been wearing band-aids like accessories with the record being six of them on at one time.

And I LOVE Dinosaur Train. I know all the dinosaur time periods and over ten types of dinosaurs. I've got a bunch of the dinosaurs from the show and the train which I drive all over the house. I'm worried that my sister will touch my stuff though, so the other day, when I was done playing with the train, I made sure I kept it safe from Kate...

I'm also great at riding my bike now. I can go really fast and I'm not scared to go over bumps and around corners...maybe these training wheels will come off at the end of the summer?!

March 21, 2011


So, last weekend was an ice themed weekend. On Saturday, we went to Joe Louis Arena (where the Red Wings play) and learned how to ice skate! I made about 4 laps before falling, crying and preferring to go eat/drink hot chocolate.

Then, on Sunday, we went to see Toy Story on Ice where we saw Buzz and Woody in person! I was mesmerized for the first half of the show and bouncing off the walls during the second half - partly because I had several cookies, and partly because there was a long portion of Barbie and Ken skating to dumb music which I hated. I sat inside the suite and told Mom to "come get me when Buzz gets back out there".